
Welcome to Tobacconomics

Our team has been conducting research on the economics of tobacco control policy for nearly thirty years. Over that time, we’ve published in numerous journals and presented at meetings across the globe. However, we’ve noticed that there isn’t one central place where researchers, advocates, policy makers, and others can go to find the latest and best research about what’s working—or not working—to curb tobacco consumption and the impact it has on our economy. So we decided to create one. Read More

New on Tobacconomics

In March, the Tobacco Control journal released a supplement on the economics of tobacco control. The original articles cover topics including cigarette tax avoidance, graphic warning labels, and trends in tobacco use. Explore the full supplement: Read More

Frank Chaloupka Q&A: Study Shows 2009 Federal Tobacco Tax Helped Cut Youth Smoking

A new study by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago found that in the first 60 days following a 2009 federal tobacco tax, at least 220,000 young people were prevented from using tobacco. The research, which was published by the National Bureau of Economic Research and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the National Cancer Institute, demonstrates the substantial and immediate impact of the tobacco tax on reducing youth smoking and youth smokeless tobacco rates. Read More