
Tobacconomics Webinar: Launch of the Cigarette Tax Scorecard (3rd edition)

This is a recording of the Tobacconomics webinar presented on May 21, 2024.

The webinar included presentations from three of the authors of the Scorecard: Jeffrey Drope, the lead author; Saw Min Thu Oo; and Hye Myung Lee. Rosa Sandoval from PAHO joined as a discussant. The presenters highlighted the current and recommended cigarette tax policies in 170 countries. 

View the recording here.

Access the entire Scorecard here.

May 2024

Location(s): Global

Content Type: Webinar

Topic(s): Economic impacts of tobacco control, Impact on demand, Tax and price, Tax levels and structure, Tobacco taxes revenues

Authors(s): Jeffrey Drope, Ph.D., Saw Min Thu Oo, MPH, MS, Hye Myung Lee, Ph.D., Rosa Sandoval
