Tobacco Tax Reduction in the Presence of an Illegal Market: A Solution for Whom? (Presentation)
This presentation was given by Frank Chaloupka at the 2019 XII Seminar on Strategic Alliances for Health Promotion in Brasília, Brazil. In this presentation, Chaloupka discussed the effects of increasing excise taxes on tobacco products on illicit trade, revenue, smoking prevalence and cessation, particularly in Brazil.
September 2019
Location(s): Brazil, Latin America and the Carribbean
Project: Think Tanks Project: Accelerating Progress on Tobacco Taxes in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Content Type: Slidedeck
Topic(s): Cessation, Cost-effectiveness, Economic impacts of tobacco control, Impact on demand, Tax and price, Tax avoidance and evasion, Tax levels and structure, Tobacco control policies and programs, Tobacco taxes revenues
Authors(s): Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D.