
ITC Cross-Country Comparison Report: Tobacco Price and Taxation

This report presents initial findings on cross-country differences on key indicators of the effectiveness of price and tax policies across 19 countries on the ITC Project, including New Zealand. A primary objective of this report is to disseminate findings on the effectiveness of tax measures to policymakers and other public health stakeholders to promote strong evidence-based policies on price and tax, as required by Article 6 of the FCTC. The report was prepared for the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Singapore, March 20-24, 2012.

March 2012

Location(s): Global

Project: International Tobacco Control Policy Survey

Content Type: Report

Topic(s): Tax and price, Tax levels and structure, Tobacco control policies and programs

Authors(s): Lorraine Craig, Natalie Sansone, Genevieve Sansone, Michelle Bishop, Pete Driezen, Megan Tait, Emmanuel Guindon, Ph.D., Geoffrey T. Fong, Ph.D., Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D.
