Analysis of Cigarette Demand in Argentina: The Impact of Price Changes on Consumption and Government Revenues
Objective: To estimate cigarette demand and to simulate a tax policy targeted to reduce tobacco consumption.
Materials and Methods: Demand was estimated using a vector error correction model. Simulation exercises present the impact of a tax increase on consumption and revenues.
Results: Changes in real income and the real price of cigarettes affect the demand for cigarettes in Argentina. The long term price elasticity is 0.279 (a 10% increase in real prices reduces cigarette consumption by 2.79% per quarter) and the long term income elasticity is 0.411 (a 10% increase in real income raises consumption by 4.11% per quarter). Even in a conservative scenario, imulations show that increasing the price of cigarettes by 100% using excise taxes would maximize revenues and reduce cigarette consumption.
Conclusion: There is sufficient room to increase taxes, reducing cigarette consumption, while still increasing tax revenues.
January 2017
Location(s): Argentina, Latin America and the Carribbean
Content Type: Journal article
Topic(s): Economic impacts of tobacco control, Impact on demand, Prevalence and consumption, Tax and price, Tobacco taxes revenues, Tobacco use
Authors(s): Germán Rodriguez-Iglesias, MSc, Verónica Schoj, Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D., Beatriz Champagne, Martin González-Rozada, Ph.D.