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Overall Score, 2020

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Country-specific presentation slides display the findings from the Cigarette Tax Scorecard.

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Overall Score

Eswatini scores above the average score of countries in its region, income group, and the global average, but below top performing countries. Eswatini would benefit from improvements to its cigarette tax system.

Component Score

Eswatini scores well in tax structure and scores in the mid-range in cigarette price and tax share. Eswatini scores poorly in affordability change and would benefit from increasing the price of cigarettes while reducing cigarette affordability and increasing the tax share of price.

Scores Over Time

Eswatini's overall scores increased slightly from 2016 to 2020. Between 2014 and 2020, the tax share of price increased slightly, while the tax structure varied between 2016 and 2020.

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