
Recommendations for the Implementation of WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 14 on Tobacco Cessation Support

Article 14 of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control recommends provision of evidence-based support for tobacco cessation. However, it is being implemented very slowly inmost countries, so that by 2014 only a small minority of the world’s tobacco users had access to appropriate cessation support, according to the World Health Organization(WHO). This editorial, endorsed by more than 70 global leaders in tobacco cessation as it went to press (see online version; contact the lead author for the latest list of endorsers), sets out actions that countries can take to remedy the situation, focusing on low-cost, broad-reach interventions.

August 2017

Location(s): Global

Content Type: Journal article

Topic(s): Cessation, Tobacco control policies and programs

Authors(s): Martin Raw, Olalekan Ayo-Yusuf, Frank J. Chaloupka, Ph.D., Michael Fiore, Thomas Glynn, Feras Hawari, Judith Mackay, Ann McNeill, Srinath Reddy
